Our Inner Graces of Hope through the transparency of our TRUTH brings spiritual ascension

The rising soul allows for inner graces to rise alongside it. Bring to the mind a newly found consciousness of hope and vulnerabilities. Conflicting notions, however peaceful at the same moment for you recognize this awareness is calming to your spirit. You acknowledge your deep-rooted love, which is and always has been stored within it. Your spirit, accustomed to receiving Divine Love, wants to release it within your body and mind. It constantly communicates to the body and mind what the Divine transmits to us always and forever. We need to allow the Divine wisdom to flow through all parts of us, activating our truth to inspire ourSELVES to flourish. Our sense of ourSELVES is the lesson of transpiring hope within us. Tapping into this space within us allows us to understand our truth further. A realization that our unique space within us gives us stability on Mother Earth. This space within us is called our TRUTH, the essence of w...