
Showing posts from March, 2020

Our infinite possibilities are closer than we think. What does this mean?

"Loving capacity is present when you allow yourself to remain open to infinite possibilities.   Possibility of grandeur, of peace all provided by God in ways that are unexpected to the logical mind.   To find these possibilities, one needs to remain open and vigilant to accepting God's truth which lies within."  ...from Spirit   Today's message is one of perspective and self-reflection .   Spirit tells us that our loving capacity is simply achieved through our openness to it. Allowing ourselves to receive it and offer it.  Releasing our ego's tight grip on our mental body is the first step.  Relaxing our fears long enough for us to feel our loving capacity for ourselves and for others.  The possibilities of grandeur, of peace, references God's goal for all of us.  He enlightens all of us with His grace, nourishing our souls with beautiful possibilities of personal growth and the evolution of our soul...

COVID 19 Is Allowing Us To Self Reflect. How will I benefit from this crisis?

"Empowerment embellishes when one's spirit is touched by God.  It is with His strength lies in the miracle of understanding, of reasoning and of hope.  Hope for the grandeur  of life, and their presence within it.  Hope is foundational for all people on earth, for hope is God's enlightened energy ...He projects on earth at this most crucial time for humanity.   Hope is defined as one's love for self and the hope for others.  We, at this time, need to project love and hope from our hearts to everyone around us, lower our fears enough for God's love to instill a tremendous amount of hope for all to capture in their hearts."  ...From Spirit I have to admit - writing this today a surge of fear came over me.   I asked Spirit to clarify: What is hope?  Help me to better define it in words people will understand. ( I realized as I received this information, our Premier of Ontario declares a state of emergency in our province at the ...

Recognizing Your Inner Knowing is easier than you think. Learn how.

"Today is a time of reflection for those struggling to hear...hear their inner peace.   No need for intense listening for your inner peace speaks to you all the time:  through language spoken ,  through sounds around us , through nature .  When any of these move you , you will know your inner essence, your spirit has been touched.  And when that happens, focus on that brief feeling of resolution, become familiar with it for the next time it happens you will be more accepting of it and will be able to relate to it.  God is within your spirit, cultivating a magnificent awareness to a bright soul within ."  ....from Spirit This message empowers us to understand with our mental body, what it feels like to connect with our spiritual body.  Once you understand this, you will realize all the times you actually connected with it in the past.  Remember, the spiritual world communicates in a gentle, poetic, passive manner and it is by divi...

Modern Day Ascended Master - Mother Teresa

Profound words of wisdom from one of our modern-day ascended master - Mother Teresa .  Simple reminders are easy to action.  15 Most Inspiring Mother Teresa Quotes: Peace begins with a smile Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies Intense love does not measure, it just gives Not all of us can do great things, But we can do small things with great love Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt only more love The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved If you judge people you have no time to love them What can you do to promote world peace?  Go home and love your family God doesn't require us to succeed, he only requires that you try It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving Joy is a net of...

Believing is the key to fulfillment. This is how you ACTIVATE your beliefs...

"Beautiful space with beautiful knowings.  To unleash your essence follow your heart to places you have always been afraid to travel.  Unleash your fears and your woes and let God's light shine in .  It is your ego which holds you back from peace in your heart and in your body.  Travel with God's wind , taking you to places you need to go for peace in your heart is only steps away.  Brighter days are coming."  ...from Spirit This particular note from Spirit is directive and purposeful for those needing to hear it.  Thank you God for allowing me to pass this precious message along for you. Both gentle and wise are the words depicting a course of action one has been wanting to take but is afraid. The opening line reassures the reader what will come from these actions. It goes on to remind the reader of the importance of finding their essence and how to do it.  God is always present , around us, in us, with us regardless of our...

NO MORE JUDGEMENT. How to overcome it and reasons why you should try.

"Judgement among us only hurts our soul further as if God's words aren't being heard.  Allow the sun's rays to filter through even though there may be no sun.  Allow for the bright smell of your favourite flower resonate with you, even though there may be no flower.  Allow your tensions to drop off of you - surrender to those truths you believe with your mind for these truths are not your truths because they do not come from your heart, from your soul.  How much do you have to endure before you decide your mental woes aren't yours to keep?  Love yourself first and all other love will emulate forward.  Easily and full of Grace."   ...from Spirit I asked Spirit today what I need to write, and this is what came forward.  Spirit often communicates in simple but powerful words.  S it with it, in stillness if you can.   Pay attention to your body's response: Is there a feeling in your gut, a release in your chest or a wa...

Coping through COVID 19 Chaos includes our togetherness but how does it provide benefits?

"The Holy Ghost is one of presence and one of profound spiritual essence.  Finding your own essence allows for deep-rooted presence in oneself.  Empower your being by allowing for His love to flow through you and onto others.  In times of today, we need to feel empowered, love from each other instead of spreading fear, fear of possibilities which have not happened.  Embrace your calm.  Your internal peace , for (times of) now, is the time when we need to band together in support of each other and accepting God's presence in our hearts for what transpires will be.  Love and Peace are yours."  ....from Spirit  Poetic sentiments from Spirit today. Given what is going on around us, Spirit reminds us that we need to be level headed about our current state of affairs.  Take your precautions without fear and judgment.  Be prepared, of course!  However, we need to remain in our hearts - staying rooted, grounded to Mother Earth (Chak...

Where is your courage anchored within you? How do you tap into your courage?

"Spirituality is for those granting themselves love in their hearts.  Granting themselves love requires the greatest courage.  Courage often not satisfying for the belief in God isn't strong enough to help sustain the person in life's challenges.  We need to embrace His light, light He shines on us daily, bring it into our bodies, our hearts and have it flow through our bodies.  This is achieved in stillness and in stillness we will hear His wisdom."  ...from Spirit Your belief in God is highly personal and individual so there is no wrong interpretation.  I encourage you to think about your God; how do you connect with him?  How do you leverage his strength in times of need?  Why do you struggle with him?  Belief in God is sustained through this deep understanding and your life's journey must include this awareness.  " stillness we will hear His wisdom."   This statement is often dismissed by many people and I und...

What is the impact of forgiveness to our selves?

"Forgiveness allows the heart to heal when the ego-mind is tired and has had enough.  The heart will step forward as it is meant to...waiting for the opportunity for self-love and self-appreciation.  There is no greater love than self-love .  Self-love gives us the capacity for more love, like as if it brews in our souls waiting to push it out into the world.  Accept this love of perfection for your internal peace is waiting."   ...From Spirit Spirit brought this forward to me this morning as there is a need to remind us all of our greatest love - self-love.  This perfection of love isn't selfish or self-centred; its the opposite!  Self-love cultivates our sense of self-worth igniting our internal power to take action, positive action.  Igniting our internal light to appreciate what is around us will provide a clearer perspective.  This internal light is God within.  Recognizing His love resides inside of us, is meant f...

Your personal power is a choice?

"Emotional balance comes when reflecting on your hurt and feeling it in your body, allowing it to flow through you, owning it and telling it that this isn't your essence ...allows the healing to begin.  From your heart centre outwards, this hurtful energy will flow outwards.  You just need to allow it out! "  ...from Spirit Beautiful reflection on the  internal powe r we hold but sometimes forget we have it.  Deciding to let go is in your power.  Own your personal power .  It has never left you and with the Graces of God, you can take back your personal power.  Its a choice.  Namaste  Agatha 

How is surrendering your triggers isn't so difficult?

"Spirituality is for those ready to receive God's love and direction."  ...from Spirit When does it become too much to bear life's challenges before taking action? The same triggers show up in different life events that can certainly overcome our minds, bodies, and spirits.  Even for me, my personal triggers have an effect on me as I deal with one today.  However, Spirit brought this to me today to remind me that I'm spiritually guided by His love.  Surrendering my trigger to Him and remaining in the present moment allows my firm belief in His divine guidance to prevail.  For me, practicing my breathing techniques allows me to remain in my body, acknowledge the trigger and release it to God.  This is a practice I've learned and bring to my clients.   From my personal experiences over the years, I've learned how to deal with my 'triggers' from my logical mind, from my spirit mind and now from my body.  Therapy helped...