
Showing posts from May, 2020

How is being energetically connected on a Universal level helping me?

"Magical presence lies within you, spirited by your essence projecting outwards onto the world.   Beautiful essence, loving presence, capturing all of the love surrounding your own.   It is an energetic web of vibrations intertwined creating a fabric of energic love, blanketing across humanity, Globally.   Acknowledge, accept it.   Embrace it.   Embody it.   For it is the energic love capturing the hearts of many which will provide humanity with answers.   Answers of sustainability - life sustainability on earth."       …from Spirit Our energic fields are interconnected on earth and most definitely on the other side. So, let us come together through mediation or prayer to unite to our universal energic field for the good of humanity, for the good of our communities and for the good of ourselves.   One small action will do a whole lot of good – one action at a time, collectively. Let us pray! Agatha  Contact Me *Remember ...

Empowerment is fundamentally supported by courage. How courageous are you?

“Empowerment is fluid, flowing, adapting. The goal isn’t to acquire it.  The goal is to experiment with your courageous efforts on events which are not of comfort or with ease.  Empowerment is attained through hardships, through trying times testing our will to live right through it.  Head on, holding compassion for ourselves and for those involved.”   ...from Spirit Empowerment is a sentiment to acquire through action.  Action stemming from our internal strength to change the things which give us grief in some form. An acquirement of faith, hope and self-love are needed to fuel our free will to WANT to make the change.  We know that empowerment is a sustainable sentiment felt in our bodies for the joy it resonates with is magnifying.  Magnifying to action more and more.  It builds upon itself and soon snowballs into something bigger than the body.  Find your COURAGE Find your courage. It is a necessary ingredient to...

What is leading you back to Universal Truth? Universal Love, Light is yours for the taking. Don’t miss out!

Message From The Universal Energy Source “Spiritual speaking, we are all united equally from our heart centres, united by the Universal Love surrounding us eternally.  Understanding that this Universal connection is bounded by the greatest source imaginable. Embrace your space within this and watch your soul grow and flourish. We want humanity to understand that there is a greater source ruling time and space on earth. Embrace the equality given to you at birth.   Know that what was given to you is attainable through your time on earth.   Embrace your spirit to reclaim your soulful right to happiness, to brightness, to transitional light shining upon you by The Universe around the earth. Know there is only love energy flowing beyond earth as the Universe is full of this empowering light with its only purpose is to ignite the good in humanity.   Fear plaguing earth has no place in the grander universe.   One needs to learn how to dispel fear and all other e...

To be or not to be your Intuition? That is the question

“Spiritual growth takes time, patience and perseverance.   Determination of your soul’s growth comes from your soul as you acknowledge your essence, you empower your free will to take action.   Free will is a choice to act one way or another.   The choice you make at each juncture will lead you down a path of growth, learning and empowerment.   Whether it is a positive or negative action, one will always learn what is meant to learn at that moment.   The question becomes clear to you if you have taken the right action, one in which your intuition or your mind guided you.   Trust and believe in your intuition, for it is your spirit speaking to you through your intuition.   You will know the difference.”  from Spirit     Spirit brings forward wisdom of truth. Your own truth of knowing who you are, spirited with God’s light and love within you.   Understanding your internal guidance comes from the Divine through your spirit is ...

How does giving yourself love relevant? Beautifully, gracefully, magically your inner love is fueled by the Divine…

“Love and beauty are yours to keep for self and when you do you will be able to project this love onto others.  Beautifully, gracefully, magically for this inner love is fueled by the Divine which has always been inside of you, at birth and beyond.” “Love and beauty are yours to keep for self” are figurative descriptions for one to internalize its meaning and interpret it from their perspective.   Why?   Because it will be more meaningful for the person to put into action the essence of their interpretations. The concept of love and the beautiful sentiments it brings forward is very much subjective to the individual.   Subjectivity has no judgement because it is personal to you and relevant to you. So. It is imperative to drop the judgment of any kind.   It does not serve you. At all!   Take the time to reflect on the meaning of self-love and what can come from it, in your life, with every action you take.   You owe it to yourself to ho...

How do I find my Self-Love?

The  ‘Truth of Who You Are’  – is your inner essence – the part of you which sustains you and continues to receive God’s strength of goodness.  His goodness is touching the core of your spirit – touching your  HEAR T within your core.  It is this place, deep within your HEART where your sentiment of  SELF-LOVE  continues to foster and blooms out into your physical reality.  In this blog, I will share with you my personal spiritual healing session with Spirit leading me to my awareness of where to find my self-love.  I will also share tips on how to find your own heart center (self-love) and ways to cultivate its benefits.  What is self-love? When we think about self-love, we only think of it from our logical minds.  Perhaps we even relate this mental concept to our physical bodies, focusing on where the heart resides within our physical bodies.  We know what love feels like in our physical bodies.  We hav...

Days of Enlightenment are Yours for the taking. What are you waiting for?

"Days of Enlightenment are yours for the taking.  Free will is also yours to make, for there is no greater resemblance of peace and calm than having a profound expansion of the SOUL -- an understanding of the TRUTH of who you are."  from Spirit     With small steps or with large leaps, it is our life's purpose to uncover our TRUTH. Understanding at our deepest core, at our foundation, the sustainable sentiment of who we are.  There is absolutely nothing that can break this learning, this spiritual awareness.  It is yours to keep once found! 'Days of enlightenment are yours for the taking' means activating your free will to do so by exploring the sentiments which come your way.  Whether hurtful or pleasant, these sentiments which rise are yours to receive (Ignite Your Truth) , perceive (Embrace Your Truth), and activate (Embody Your Truth) .   Ignite Your Truth - Receiving means you acknowledge the feeling at a soulful ...

Life Begins...with your SoulMate

My loving husband, my soulmate added this post on Mother's Day - May 2020 - as a surprise!   He has over the 20 years we have been together will often surprise me in this way.  Declaring his feelings for me with poetic sentiments have always brought me to happy tears.  It is proof of our souls touching and bonding together.   With the deepest, grounding LOVE expressed between us is truly the sign of God's presence on our lives.  I Love you with the depths of my soul!   "While the sands of time start with your first breath, your life doesn't truly start until you've found your SOULMATE.  All of a sudden the sky is bluer and the grass is greener.  You begin to hear all the little noises that were once just a background hum.  Happy Mother's Day to my soulmate.  ...forever yours"

Profound Space of Gratitude & Courage is easy to find. Learn how here.

"Love beyond your capacity for you will learn there is no limit to your capacity  Only profound space of gratitude and courage."  from Spirit "Beyond our capacity"  isn't understood by the logical mind. What does this mean?  Providing more than we can give or offering more than what is possible? Think about it for a minute... Love is expressed in many different ways.  Its definition is encompassing of familiar sentiments we already express without mind. We know what LOVE means in our hearts - appreciation, compassion, empathy, selflessness - because we offer love more than we realize.   So what if you consciously make an effort to offer love on a consistent basis in your day, then every day, then all the time.  In simple but meaningful ways:  saying 'thank you' or expressing some encouragement to a friend, or calling a relative to say 'I was thinking about you', or doing a small gesture for someone ...

The truth of 'Who You Are' is your essence. What does this give you?

“The truth of who you are is the essence of power which lies within you, forever and for always.”   from Spirit  The core of who you are is your essence, your soul, your spirit.  Once you stay true to your essential self, you will experience spiritual sustainability in pure groundedness on Mother Earth. Understanding this beyond the mental mind, past the physical body, is the practice.  Achieving this awareness is made from remaining in the present moment.  Amen Agatha Contact me 

My Favorite Spirit Message

"The evolution of life on earth is grand for those wanting fulfillment of the soul."  from Spirit

How to surrender to find the resolutions you seek?

"For those looking for answers or explanations to nagging questions to very hurtful circumstances, its time to surrender.  Surrender to these crippling, subjective hurts for its time to release these hurts from your soul, body, and mind.  You will not find your answers in this manner or state.   Embrace your inner knowing by accepting your inner truth of peace and tranquillity."   ..from Spirit The act of ' surrendering ' is profoundly liberating and there is no fear attached to it.  Choosing to surrender, you consciously choose to be in a different state of mind.  A more relaxed state of mind.  A state of mind of loving presence.  Release this familiar state of tension by relaxing the body.  Yes,  mediate - Sit quietly and breathe.  Deep belly breathes, in and out will elicit powerful awareness softly surfacing as a thought, feeling, or a sense of knowing.  Remember to pay attention to your breath...

How do we find the answers we seek?

Releasing your mental chatter long enough to explore the simple things in life, will bring newly found awareness ...from Agatha As my firstborn, my son holds a special place in my heart.  He is now a young adult continuously teaching me and keeping me on my toes! He is a gift from God.