The Flower Within...a Poem from God


Profound self-love resides in all of us

As God proclaims us

We listen

With our hearts open to receive Divine LOVE

We listen

Listening requires us to believe, to have faith in His presence within

For the Love of God resembles the God within us

An internal flame only activated by our free will to receive

THE internal flame shines on our purpose, our souls, our lives on earth

Capturing our hearts

Loving ourSELVES from the inside out

We comply; we surrender to it

For there is no other way to live, here on earth

We listen

With our hearts open to receiving

We hear the sounds within us, activating our Truth with the power of God

Instrumental to our growth on earth

We listen

We wonder, with our active minds, “Where is this internal power taking me?”

For the LOVE of God, within us, around us will always survive our TRUTH

Our beliefs for, within, for always and forever

Will prevail in our world on earth

Because that is what is needed to ascend to our LORD

He is waiting

He is helping you now

Believe, and you shall receive

We listen with our hearts, our bodies and allow our wisdom to rise to our minds

Simplicity of knowledge and yet the most profound in awareness

Will determine our direction

We surrender to our TRUTH

Because it is our “I AM”

We listen

We know now our Lord is a symbol of our Truth

There is no denying our Truth

For the sentiments rising are far too profound to ignore

We surrender

We allow as we embody

For the God within is activated

Like petals of a ROSE, opening with His Grace

Exposing its beauty to ourSELVES, and the world

We believe

We now accept

We LOVE, unconditionally


We surrender, always

We are thankful, and gratitude floods our system

We listen some more

As God intends…

From my heart center to yours, 
Namaste and Amen 🙏💜💜

Empowering Practices 
Ignite, Embrace, Embody your TRUTH

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